The Dubois Chamber of Commerce supports our 145+ Chamber Members with a professional marketing mix including our website, social networks, e-news, maps, calendars, and more. We work diligently with our Members to network and gain visibility within the community and beyond.
We support the Dubois community in events that allow our member businesses to gain visibility. These major events include the Spring Fling (a kick-off to the summer season), the 4th of July Parade, Wild West Brewfest and a Dubois Cowboy Christmas. We also publish a branded summer events calendar and a map of the Town of Dubois.
The Dubois Chamber of Commerce creates business referrals and networking opportunities for our members through in-person meetings, phone calls, networking events, ribbon cuttings, social networking, and content and links throughout all of our electronic marketing.
The Dubois Chamber of Commerce hosts nonprofit meetings to encourage networking and cross-program coordination to the over 53 nonprofit organizations in the Dubois area.
The Dubois Chamber of Commerce acts as a source of reference and information for new businesses and families relocating to Dubois.
In partnership with the Wyoming Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and Central Wyoming College (CWC), the Dubois Chamber of Commerce provides training and technical assistance to small businesses and nonprofit organizations with member-only discounts.