Show support for the community
* Opportunity to host a special networking event (Business After Hours, Monday Morning Breakfast, Lunch & Learn, etc.)
* Opportunity to contribute to Goodie Bags that will be distributed at various Chamber-sponsored events.
4th OF JULY PARADE Sponsorship
Freedom Sponsorship $750
Flag with Grand Marshal
Company Name and Logo on Marketing and Advertising materials
Featured Float
Speak and/or Special Recognition on Main Stage during Parade
Unlimited Floats in Parade
Liberty Sponsorship $500
Featured Float
Logo on all July 4th collateral
Logo and link on July 4th event page
Recognition in weekly Chamber eNews
Stage Superstar Sponsor $2,500
Main Event Sponsor
Band Buckaroo Sponsor $1,500
(Headliner: Jalan Crossland)
Advertising Angel Sponsor $1,000
Signage Stockman Sponsor $500
Signage for Event
Keg Handler Sponsor $500
Wristband Sponsor
Beer Garden Sponsor $500
Sponsor of all the Beer Distributors
Let There Be Light Sponsor $200
Custom package + everything below
Deck The Halls Sponsor $150
Logo on all Dubois DeLights collateral
Logo and link on Dubois DeLights website page
Recognition in weekly Chamber eNews
Holiday Helper Sponsor $100
Name on website with link
Name in weekly eNews
Visit With St. Nicholas Sponsor $50
Surprise visitor for kids